The P&C are here to promote the interests of the school by bringing parents, citizens, students and staff together into close co-operation. We support the school in any way we can. We assist the school by providing equipment and resources, or subsidising school activities, from the proceeds of our fundraising activities. We encourage parents and carers to attend our meetings and play an active role in their child's education.
The P&C also provides a wonderful opportunity to get to know what goes on 'behind the scenes'. We get together once a month to chat about the school, listen to a report from our Principal and ask any questions we have. We meet at 6:30pm on the second Tuesday of each month (during school terms only), in the school staffroom, and everyone is very welcome.
If you have any questions about the P&C, or you would like to discuss something at a meeting, don't hesitate to get in touch. You can email us anytime at .
2024 Commitee
President - Rachel McMahon
Vice President - Kate Knox
Treasurer - Danielle Beemsterboer
Secretary - Sarah Olorenshaw
Uniform Shop Managers - Becky Crumpler & Lucinda Orenshaw
Canteen Manager - Kim Blom