What is Headstart as opposed to Best start?
HEADSTART - Each school has their own transition to school program that usually runs in Term Four of the academic year prior to the year a child is due to start school. Transition programs are run differently in each school, are often labelled differently and vary according to the needs of the school community. Usually, they share common goals that have benefits for the children, the parents/carers and families and for the teachers and the school.
These opportunities allow the school and its teachers to;
· work together with families and young children to help facilitate a smooth and seamless transition into school.
· make the school, including the environment and the expectations, comfortable and familiar for incoming students.
· involve families whilst recognising the importance of building strong learning partnerships between home and school.
Best Start - Best Start is one component of a NSW Government initiative to increase literacy and numeracy learning support in the early years. Knowing that children come with a wide range of experiences, Best Start provides teachers with a continuum to help ensure that we are teaching your child what they need to learn next. Through the Best Start process, teachers learn about each child’s school entry skills and understanding in literacy and numeracy. The Best Start testing is individual and usually takes place within the first five weeks of Kindergarten. Teachers ask a series of questions to gather information about children’s initial literacy and mathematical knowledge. This important information supports teachers in meeting children’s individual learning needs. It is also used to provide parents and caregivers with feedback on what their child can do and how they can best support their child’s learning. This information is then used to assist teachers to monitor children’s learning. All Kindergarten children undertake Best Start.
What are the six Key Learning Areas (KLA’s)?
The six major Key Learning Areas that your child will receive outcomes-based instruction in will include:
English, Mathematics, Science & Technology, History, Geography, Creative Arts (Music, Drama, Visual Arts) and Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE)