Copacabana Public School

Effort Earns Success

Telephone02 4382 1766

Science and technology

Science and technology is mandatory for all students from Kindergarten to Year 6.

Science and Technology:

In Science and Technology lessons at Copacabana, students explore the natural and made worlds. They learn how to apply scientific and technological skills, knowledge and understanding across a broad range of contexts.

Science provides a way of inquiring about the world around us. It explores evidence and investigates ways to discover, develop and produce solutions to real world problems. The inquiry and skill-based nature of science opens doors to ideas and discoveries.

Copacabana has a dedicated STEM space for students to enjoy hands-on Science lessons, with opportunities for researching, designing, creating and testing ideas.

Our school is well-resourced with technology, including computers, laptops and iPads. A wide variety of STEMT4L resources are accessed each term such as 3D printers, filming equipment and Sphero Indi cars which are used to develop early coding skills. 


The vital importance of using technology in learning is realised through a very strong commitment to computer education at our school. Copacabana is fully networked, providing ICT experiences that are highly engaging and extending student’s skills, knowledge and attitudes in relation to quality learning. All students, Kindergarten to Year 6, have access to computers in the library Computer Lab and laptops or iPads in classrooms. 

The use of interactive whiteboards in every classroom has further enhanced opportunities for children in technology.


Technology is integrated across the curriculum. Copacabana has a Computer Lab, laptops and iPads in classrooms and all classrooms with Internet access. Interactive Whiteboards are present and used in all classrooms and the Library.

Students have access to printers and software that allows for learning in the digital age and presentation of their work.

Send your kids on an adventure with T4L Kids:

Mockups of the T4L kids magazines

This resource is structured with outlined missions that your kids can undertake to help with their learning and provides examples of how these tasks are implemented in real world in jobs that they could do themselves. It then provides you with information on which platforms and tools are required to make sure you have everything you need to get started.

The magazine offers examples from experts in their digital fields, who share their stories on how they got started and what inspires them to keep doing what they do.

There’s something in here for everyone (and for any device)!

The magazine aims to provide students with purposeful challenges that engage them in creating content using technology. 

Each issue of T4L Kids magazine includes:

  • * a main digital technology design challenge to guide student learning.
  • * sample ideas to get students thinking.
  • * a step-by-step design process to guide student idea development.
  • * demonstrations of key technology tools.
  • * ways students can share completed design challenge with their teacher.

Discover the possibilities of podcasting in Issue 17 of T4L Kids!